Chats and Messages

Updated at January 30th, 2025

Table of Contents

Android iOS

Using the mobile app, you can send a text message to a colleague directly via 'Personal' chat or to a group of colleagues using a 'Group' chat.

The 'Chats' tab displays all your chat conversations and all the messages you've sent and received.

You can also create a new 'Personal,' 'Group,' or 'SMS' chat.


You can initiate a chat with a colleague using one of the following options:

  1. Open your colleague’s profile and press the chat icon.
  2. Select an existing chat in the ‘Chats’ tab.
  3. You can create a new chat in the ‘Chats’ tab by pressing the icon at the bottom of the screen and then selecting the type of chat you want to create.

Chat Icon


You can initiate a chat with a colleague using one of the following options:

  1. Open your colleague’s Profile. And pressing the chat icon.
  2. Select an existing chat in the ‘Chats’ tab.
  3. Create a new chat by pressing on the plus icon at the top right corner of the screen and then selecting the type of chat you would like to create.

Plus Icon


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