How To Send SMS and MMS from the SMS Composer
Table of Contents
The SMS Composer 1. Using the Respond to Message Button 2. Using Microsoft Teams Chat “Actions and apps” 3. Using “Compose SMS” from Chat Actions 4. Tagging the AppThe SMS Composer is a convenient interface with advanced control for sending SMS from within the Microsoft Teams client. This is particularly useful if you prefer not to navigate away from the native Teams chat environment.
In this guide, we’ll cover the following topics:
Using the SMS Composer: Learn how to use this handy composer.
Methods for Easier SMS Sending from within Microsoft Teams:
Via the “Respond to Message” Button: Discover how to invoke the SMS Composer from the Activity Feed and Teams Channel
Via MS Teams Chat “Actions and apps”: Explore another way to launch the SMS Composer.
Via “Compose SMS” from Chat Actions: Find out how to use this option to launch the SMS Composer.
Via App Tagging in a Teams Channel: Learn about tagging the app to quickly send SMS
Deleting SMS Messages: Understand how to delete SMS messages directly from within Microsoft Teams.
To explore additional methods for sending SMS/MMS as an end user, refer to the parent guide SMS and MMS (Texting): End User Experience.
The SMS Composer
The SMS Composer is a handy interface with advanced control on sending SMS from within the MS Teams client.
Select the desired SMS Caller ID (FROM number) from the SMS Composer drop-down menu. If your user has only one number enabled, this list will only have one option for the FROM number.

Select from the Select Recipient drop-down box the contact name (if available) or type the full mobile number of the target recipient.
To know more about saving contacts, see Working with Contacts.
Pressing the enter or comma keys allows you to broadcast SMS to multiple recipients. The maximum number of recipients is 10.
Note: The SMS Composer does not currently support initiating group texts. Refer to the Group Text Message guide for instructions on starting a group text using the SMS app.
Compose your message text and/or add attachments, then click the Send button.
When sending MMS, be aware that there are limitations imposed by carriers. It’s essential to understand these MMS limitations before using MMS.
Note: You can only send SMS to recipients with the same country code as that of your Enterprise’s Home Country in the Microsoft Admin Center.
1. Using the Respond to Message Button
The SMS Composer can be invoked by clicking the Respond to Message button, which can be found in the following places within Microsoft Teams.
i. The Respond to Message button can be seen in the notification card corresponding to an SMS received from a remote party in the Microsoft Teams activity feed screen.

Clicking on the Respond to Message button invokes the SMS Composer.
ii. The Respond to Message button can also be seen in the Teams Channel associated with the remote party (a single mobile number or a group text).

Both options (Widget and Respond to Message button) launch the SMS composer with the sender and recipient already selected based on the conversation history.
When the sender is a single number, the Respond to Message button launches the SMS Composer with the recipient box pre-filled with the sender's number or contact name.
When the channel is for a group text, the Respond to Message button launches the SMS Composer with the recipient box pre-filled with all members of the group text.
Note: From the Teams channel, you can only reply to group texts; initiating a new group text is not possible. To start a new group text, the SMS app can be used. For more information, see the Group Text Message documentation.
2. Using Microsoft Teams Chat “Actions and apps”
To launch the Actions and Apps menu in the Microsoft Teams native chat composer area, follow these steps:
Click on the “+” or “…” icon (whichever is available).
Search for the SMS app and select it.
Please note that the app’s name or logo may have been modified during deployment. Ensure that you use the correct app as your Microsoft Teams Connector provider directs.

3. Using “Compose SMS” from Chat Actions
Select any message from the MS Teams Chat screen and click the ellipsis icon (…) to launch the More Actions menu. Then, click on the Compose SMS action, which the Microsoft Teams Connector SMS app has added.
The app may have been renamed and rebranded upon deployment. As directed by your Microsoft Teams Connector provider, make sure to use the action with the right logo.
MS Teams also allows invoking the Chat Actions menu by right-clicking anywhere in any conversation pane.
4. Tagging the App
App tagging quickly sends singular SMS messages from a channel associated with a single remote party. App tagging cannot be used to support sending MMS.
This can only be done in the Channel associated with the other party’s SMS phone number.
The app tagging method cannot be used to initiate or reply to group texts.
Select the teams that correspond to your desired SMS Caller ID number. Then select a Channel underneath this team that corresponds to the remote party. Click Reply and command the SMS app by using the @ sign. For example, @sms

Simply enter the desired message after the app tag, and then click send.

Depending on your Teams Channel notification settings, you will receive a confirmation message in the banner and feed.
NOTE: The Reply option below the card is Microsoft's framework reply. When used, the reply is a regular MS Teams chat message and will NOT be sent as an SMS message.

Deleting SMS from Teams Channel
- Look for the recipient's number or the channel in Microsoft Teams.
Select the message you want to delete by clicking the trash icon to the right.

- Click Delete from the pop-up window.
Note: Messages deleted from the Teams Channel will also be deleted in the embedded SMS App.