Centralized DID Management
Table of Contents
Prerequisites Reseller Level and Enterprise Admin Uploading Phone Numbers Assigning a Phone Number Deleting a Phone Number Changing Phone Number Capabilities Enterprise Level Uploading Phone Numbers at the Enterprise Level
Reseller or Admin Access required.
From release 2.12.0, we added the “Phone Numbers“ pane in the Service Portal, which will allow admins to configure and manage operations related to telephone numbers from a single interface. See the functionalities for each entity below.

Reseller Level and Enterprise Admin
A Reseller and Enterprise Admin performs the following task from the Phone Numbers page:
1. Upload Phone Numbers.
2. Assign Phone Numbers.
a. The Reseller assigns the Phone Number/s to an Enterprise.
b. The Enterprise admin assigns the Phone Number/s to users.
3. Delete unassigned Phone Numbers.

Uploading Phone Numbers
Resellers are the primary managers of phone numbers. Resellers can upload phone numbers all the time.
Resellers may, in turn, allow Enterprises to add external phone numbers when they configure a PBX user's Phone Number or a Trunk user's Default DID.
1. Click Upload Phone Numbers at the top right of the Phone Numbers page.

2. Download and fill out the sample file format with the following details:
Country Code
Phone Number - Input the phone number.
Voice - TRUE for Voice Phone Numbers and FALSE for non-voice Phone Numbers.
SMS - TRUE for SMS-enabled Phone Numbers and FALSE for non-SMS-enabled Phone Numbers.
3. Set the values for the following fields:
- Voice Carrier Name
- SMS Carrier Profile
- Enterprises and Resellers

Note: Carriers for Voice and SMS were added. When no carrier is selected and the capability is set to True in the uploaded file, a default carrier will be assigned to Voice and SMS carriers.
4. In Upload Phone Numbers, click Browse and select the bulk file.
5. Click Upload.
Assigning a Phone Number
1. Search for the Phone Numbers, then click Assign from the Actions menu.
2. Select the Reseller or Enterprise from the dropdown, then click Assign.

3. Click Save Settings from the Modify Assignments for Phone Number page.
4. Once completed, a confirmation message will show at the top right of the screen.
When the Allow External Numbers checkbox on the Edit Enterprise and Add Enterprise pages are marked, the Enterprise Admin can add new DIDs when creating users, which is not limited to the numbers added by the reseller (and assigned to the Enterprise).

Deleting a Phone Number
1. Search for the Phone Number you want to delete, then click delete from the Actions menu.
Note: This option is applicable for unassigned DIDs only.
2. Click the Delete button to confirm.
3. A confirmation message will show at the top right of the screen.
Note: The Delete button does not appear if the iplogin Support deletes a phone number uploaded by the Reseller. The same rule applies to phone numbers uploaded by the iplogin Support.
Changing Phone Number Capabilities
See the Managing Phone Number Capabilities documentation to change the capabilities or services assigned to phone numbers.
Enterprise Level
The Enterprise Admin can view the DIDs the Reseller assigns on the Phone Numbers page.

Follow the standard procedure for assigning the Phone Number to a Teams user.
PBX Users - Select the phone number from the Add User dropdown menu.

Tunk Users- Select the phone number from the Default DID drop-down menu.
- For new users, no new extensions can be added for new SIP Trunks configuration. Ensure the exact phone number is used.
- We will continue to support existing users that have extensions. Use the +CC<extension> format when modifying existing records. For example, +14312345678.
SMS Users- Select Manage SMS from the Users page.

Check the box for Enable SMS Service, select the DID from the Unassigned DIDs box, click the blue arrow to move it to the Assigned DID box, and click Submit.
Note: When a DID number that has a different Carrier is added, the carrier can be changed as long as the DID number is not yet assigned to a Teams user. See Managing Phone Numbers Capabilities documentation for more information.
Uploading Phone Numbers at the Enterprise Level
With the Microsoft Teams Connector 2.13.0 release, Enterprise now has the option to upload phone numbers.

To do this, perform the following:
- Go to Enterprise and select Phone Numbers.
- The Manage Phone Numbers page is displayed.
- Download and fill out the sample file format with the following details:
Country Code
Phone Number - Input the phone number.
Voice - TRUE for Voice Phone Numbers and FALSE for non-voice Phone Numbers.
SMS - TRUE for SMS-enabled Phone Numbers and FALSE for non-SMS-enabled Phone Numbers.
Set the values for the following fields: Voice Carrier Name
- SMS Carrier Profile
- Enterprises and Resellers

In Upload Phone Numbers, click Browse and select the bulk file.
Click Upload.
Result: The phone numbers are uploaded to the enterprise level.