UC Operator
Access to UC Operator requires an active account and login credentials.
UC Operator Help Topics
Operator Status
- When talking to a person, it shows the person's phone number and name.
- The link icon shows the status of the registration to the SIP server: green when registered, orange when registering and red when registration failed.
- Double-click this icon to unregister/register with the SIP server.
- The headset icon shows the status of the audio, which is green when the audio is connected.
- You can double-click on this icon to connect/disconnect the audio.
- The handset icon shows the status of the current call, and it is green when talking to a person.
- You can double-click on this icon to pick up a ringing call or to hang up the current call.
- The timer shows the duration of the conversation with the person.
- When you are talking to a person, the app shows the person's picture, name, company, and title.
- The picture and the information are retrieved from the directories.
- When a person is not found in any directory, an icon with the person's phone number and name, when available, is shown.
Incoming Calls
This is the incoming call list. This list can be resized using the horizontal and vertical dividers.
The information shown are:
- The caller phone number with an icon showing the status of the call.
- The line/number called by the caller.
- The status of the call.
- The time since the call has been put on hold, in red and bold when the time exceeds a configured value (2 mins by default).
The background color of the call shows the processing priority of the call:
Green: The call priority is low, you are talking to the caller.
Orange: The call priority is medium, the call is on hold and you should process it when you are ready.
Red: The call priority is high, the call is ringing and you must process it as soon as possible.
Using the mouse:
You can double click on a ringing call to answer it.
You can double click on an answered call to put it on/off hold.
You can drag a call and drop it on a contact in a directory to initiate a blind transfer.
You can drag a call and drop it on another call, or on a called contact in a directory, to initiate an attended transfer.
You can right-click on a call to show a menu with all the available actions including the possible transfers.
You can right-click on a call and select "Add To" then a directory to add the caller to this directory.
You can right-click on a call and select "Hang Up" to hang up the call.
Using the numeric keypad (NumLock OFF) or the function keys:
You can press Insert or F6 on a selected ringing call to answer it.
You can press Insert or F6 on a selected answered call to put it on/off hold.
You can press Delete of F7 on a selected call to hang it up.
You can press Add (the plus key) or F8 on a selected answered call to show the transfer menu.
You can press the arrow keys to select another call.
You can press Clear (the 5 key) or F5 to switch between the call list and the directory.
Outgoing Calls
This is the outgoing call list.
This list can be resized using the horizontal and vertical dividers.
The information shown are:
- The callee picture when the callee is found in a directory with pictures.
- The callee name, in bold when the caller is found in a local directory.
- The time since the call is ringing or since the call has been answered.
- The callee phone number with an icon showing the status of the call.
- The line/number used to place the call.
- The status of the call.
- The time since the call has been put on hold, in red and bold when the time exceeds a configured value (2 mins by default).
The background color of the call shows the processing priority of the call:
Green: The call priority is low, you are talking to the callee.
Orange: The call priority is medium, the call is on hold and you should process it when you are ready.
Red: The call priority is high, the call is ringing and you must process it as soon as possible.
Using the mouse:
You can double click on a ringing call to answer it.
You can double click on an answered call to put it on/off hold.
You can drag a call and drop it on a contact in a directory to initiate a blind transfer.
You can drag a call and drop it on another call, or on a called contact in a directory, to initiate an attended transfer.
You can right-click on a call to show a menu with all the available actions including the possible transfers.
You can right-click on a call and select "Hang Up" to hang up the call.
Using the numeric keypad (NumLock OFF) or the function keys:
You can press Insert or F6 on a selected answered call to put it on/off hold.
You can press Delete or F7 on a selected call to hang it up.
You can press Add (the plus key) or F8 on a selected answered call to show the transfer menu.
You can press the arrow keys to select another call.
You can press Clear (the 5 key) or F5 to switch between the call list and the directory.
This is the outgoing call bar.
You can enter a phone number and press Enter to start dialing. You can press F4 anywhere in the application to jump directly to this call bar.
This is a directory of contacts.
- The directory can be resized using the vertical divider.
- Each contact can have multiple information such as: Company, Office, Department, Title.
- Each contact can have multiple contact icons such as: Phone, Mobile, Home, Voicemail, E-mail, XMPP, Calendar, Web.
- The Phone contact icon changes to match the presence status of the phone.
- The vertical bar color of the contact also changes to match the presence status of the phone:
Green: Available, Yellow: Ringing, Orange: Busy, Red: Do Not Disturb
Using the mouse:
You can double click on a contact to call him.
You can double click on a callable contact icon (Mobile, Home, Voicemail) to call it.
You can double click on an e-mail contact icon to send an e-mail, the subject is filled using the current call information..
You can double click on a web contact icon to browse the website.
You can drag a call from the incoming/outgoing call list and drop it on a contact to initiate a blind transfer.
You can drag a call from the incoming/outgoing call list and drop it on a called contact to initiate an attended transfer.
You can right-click on a contact or a contact icon to show a menu with all the available actions including the possible transfers.
You can right-click on a contact and select "Intercept" to intercept a call ringing on the contact phone.
You can right-click on a contact and select "Contact > Presence" to enable or disable presence for the contact phone.
You can right-click on a contact and select "Contact > Edit" to edit the contact.
You can right-click on a contact and select "Alert" to set up notifications when the status of the contact changes.
Using the numeric keypad (NumLock OFF) or the function keys:
You can press Insert or F6 on a selected contact to call him and/or to put his call on/off hold.
You can press Delete or F7 on a selected contact to hang up his call.
You can press Add (the plus key) or F8 on a selected contact to show the transfer menu.
You can press the arrow keys to select another contact.
You can press Clear (the 5 key) or F5 to switch between the directory and the call list.
This is the directory menu.
Using this menu you can:
- Add a new contact.
- Change the view of the directory between Table and List.
- In the List view you can select the columns you want to show/hide using the Filter menu.
- Change the name displayed for the contacts between Last Name and First Name.
- Change the sorting of the contacts based on the different information (Last Name, First Name, Company, Office, Department, Title).
- Rename the directory.
- Import the contacts from a CSV file.
- Export the contacts to a CSV file.
- Clear/remove all the contacts from the directory.
- Add a new Local or External directory.
This is the directory search bar.
The directory automatically hides the contacts that do not match your search each time you enter a new character. The background color of the bar will change to green if there are contacts who matches your search and to red if no contacts matches.
Call Log
This is the call log.
- You can see the list of every terminated calls.
- The first icon shows the direction of the call. (incoming or outgoing)
- The second icon and the background color show the status of the call when it was terminated.
- The time shows the time when the called was received or placed.
- The on hold shows the total time the call was placed on hold.
- You can double click on a call to call the caller/ee.
- You can click on the double arrows icons to move one week before or after.
- You can click on the single arrow icons to move one day before or after.
- You can click on the date to select another date in the calendar.
This is the log menu.
Using this menu you can:
- Filter the list by selecting/unselecting call direction or status.
- Sort the list using differents criteria.
This is the log search bar.
The log automatically hides the calls that do not match your search each time you enter a new character. The background color of the bar will change to green if there are calls who matches your search and to red if no calls matches.
- You can press Escape or click on the cross icon to clear the search.
- You can press Escape or click on the cross icon to clear the search.
- You can press F3 anywhere to jump directly to this search bar.
These are the call statistics.
- You can see the detailed statistics about your calls.
- You can click on the double arrows icons to move one week before or after.
- You can click on the single arrow icons to move one day before or after.
- You can click on the date to select another date in the calendar.
These are the settings.
You can click on a setting section to expand or close that section.
- You can click on Save to save your settings.
- You can reset all the settings to their default by clicking on Reset.
This is the recording list.
- You can see the list of every recordings.
- The date shows the date when the recording was made.
- The duration shows the duration of the recording.
- The size shows the size of the recording.
- You can double click on a recording to play it or to download it.
- You can right-click on a recording to show a menu with all the available actions including the ability to remove a recording.
Global Search
This is the globar search window.
- You can search for a contact in every directories.
- You can see the directory in which the contact has been found.
- You can double click on the contact to be moved to the directory of the contact and to the contact.
This is the global search bar.
The search automatically shows the contacts that match your search each time you enter a new character. The background color of the bar will change to green if there are contacts who matches your search and to red if no contacts matches. You can press Escape or click on the cross icon to clear the search.
This is the list of reminders.
- You can set up a reminder to receive a notification.
- You can for example set a reminder to call someone or to do a specific task.
- The pin icon color is red if the reminder is pending and green if it is past.
- You can double click on a reminder to edit it.
- You can right-click to show a menu with all the available actions.
- You can add a new reminder by right-clicking and selecting "Add".
- You can remove a reminder by right-clicking on a reminder and selecting "Remove".
This is the note window.
- You can use this window to write notes while you are processing the calls.
- You can use bold, italic, and underline text by clicking on the icons.
- You can copy text by clicking on Ctl-C and paste text by clicking on Ctrl-V.
- You can save the note by clicking on Save.
Satus Bar
This is the status bar.
From left to right the status bar is composed of:
You can click on it to switch between Available and Do Not Disturb.
This shows the number of unread messages in your voicemail.
You can click on it to call the voicemail.
This shows the number of missed incoming calls.
You can click on it to show the list of missed calls, to call back or to clear the list.
The icon shows the recording status with the total recording time.
You can click on it to start/stop recording.
You can start recording anytime, the recording will automatically start when there is a call and pause when there are no more calls.
You can click on it to modify the input and the output volume.
You can click on the speaker icon to mute the output.
You can click on the microphone icon to mute the input.
You can click on it to summon a window with a keypad.
The keypad is used to send digits over the current call (to the voicemail for example).
This shows the current number of incoming ringing calls.
On Hold
This shows the current number of calls on hold.
This shows the current number of incoming calls.
This shows the current number of outgoing calls.
te in the calendar.
You can initiate a conference with up to 5 parties including you.
- To add a call to the conference right-click on the call and select "Conference".
- To remove a call from the conference right-click on the call and select "On Hold".
- To mute a call in the conference right-click on the call and select "Mute".
- You can exit the conference by answering or placing a call, the conference will be kept alive.
- You can join back the conference afterwards by right-clicking on any call in the conference and selecting "Conference".
- The top operator status shows up to 3 parties in the conference.'
- You can see who is talking in the conference by looking at the word "[Talking]" shown in the call and operator status.
- You can set up alerts for contacts where presence is enabled.
- You will receive a notification in the bottom/right corner when the status of the contact changes.
- To set up an alert right-click on the contact and select "Alert" then select the status.
- You can for example decide to be notified when the contact phone is ringing by selecting "Ringing".
- On the notification window you will be able to click on "INTERCEPT" to intercept the ringing call.
- You can for example decide to be notified when the contact becomes available by selecting "Available".
- On the notification window you will be able to click on "CALL" to call him.
- You can also select if you want to receive an audio tone with the notification by selecting "Sound".
How do I process calls?
- You can right-click on a call to see a context menu showing you all the possible actions
- You Can pick-up a ringing call By double clicking on it.
- You can put a call on or off hold by double clicking on it.
- You can hang-up a call by right-clicking on it and selecting “Hang Up".
- You can initiate an outgoing call by double-clicking on a contact or by entering a phone number in the outgoing call bar.
- If you are talking to a person and you decide to pick-up another call or to call someone, the person will be automatically put on hold.
How do I transfer a call?
- You can initiate a blind transfer to a phone number by right-clickin gon a call then selecting “Transfer” then enter the phone number and press enter.
- You can initiate a blind transfer to a contact in a directory by right-clicking on the contact and selecting “Transfer” then selecting the call to transfer.
- You can also drag the call and drop it directly on the contact.
- You can initiate an attended transfer by double-clicking on the contact first to call him, then when he picks by right-clicking o him and selecting “Transfer” then selecting the call to transfer.
- You can also drag the call and drop it directly on the contact or on the outgoing call to the contact.
How do I find a contact?
To find a contact in a directory you need to use the search bar at the bottom of the directory. The directory automatically hides the contacts that do not match your search each time you enter a new character. The background color of the bar will change to green if there are contacts who match your search and to red if no contacts match.
- You can press escape or click on the cross icon to clear the search.
- You can press F3 anywhere to jump directly to the search bar.
- To search in every directory use the global search window.
The global search automatically shows the contacts that match your search each time you enter a new character.
- You can see the
How do I see the presence status of a contact?
If the contact has a phone where the presence is enabled you will be able to see its status.
The phone contact icon changes to match the presence status of the phone. The vertical bar color of the contact also changes to match the presence status of the phone:
- Green: Available, Yellow: Ringing, Orange: Busy, Red: Do Not Disturb.
- And the presence status is shown below the phone number.
How can I pick-up a call ringing on a contact phone?
To pick-up (intercept) a call ringing on a contact phone, right-click on the contact and select "Intercept".
What is the difference between local and external directories?
The application provides two types of directories, local and external directories.
When a directory is local, it means that all the contacts in that directory are local to your company (company staff).
Some directories are created manually or imported from CSV files, some are loaded from an LDAP server, some from Office365 contacts, and some from web servers.
When you create a directory, you decide if it is a local or external directory.
When you receive an incoming call, the caller's phone number is searched in every directory.
If the caller is identified in a local type directory, the call will be shown in bold (in the call list and in the call logs).
This helps you quickly identify if the caller is from the company.
You can also decide to automatically reject/forward anonymous or external calls in:
Settings > Incoming Calls.
Contacts phone presence (extension monitoring) is also restricted to local directories.
How do I manage my personal directory?
- You can add a new contact by clicking on the directory icon and selecting: Contact > Add.
- You can also import all your contacts from a CSV file by clicking on the directory icon and selecting: Directory > Import.You can also add callers on the fly by right-clicking on an incoming call and selecting: Add To.
- You can edit a contact by right-clicking on them and selecting: Contact > Edit.
- You can remove a contact by right-clicking on them and selecting: Contact > Remove.
- When you create a directory, you decide if it is a local or external directory.
- You can add a new directory by clicking on the directory icon and selecting: Directory > Add.
- By default, new contacts' phones added to a local directory should have presence enabled.
- If this is not the case, you can enable it by right-clicking on a contact and selecting: Contact > Presence > Enable.
How can I handle multiple lines (multiple companies or services)?
- You can redirect multiple lines to the line used by the application.
- When there is an incoming call, the application shows the line called in the incoming call list.
- You know before answering the call which company or service is called.
- You can link a directory to a line by clicking on the directory icon and entering the line number in: Directory > Line.
- Once a directory is linked to a line, when you pick up a call destined for this line, that directory will become the top/front directory.
- You can also add a note to a directory by clicking on the directory icon and selecting: Directory > Note.
- This note may contain, for example, instructions on how to handle calls destined for this company/service.
How does the CRM integration work?
To integrate your CRM, you need to have a CRM that offers a web interface.
Then you need to enter its URL in: Settings > CRM > CRM URL.
If your CRM provides an URL with parameters to display a customer record based on its phone number, you should enter this URL instead.
Use '$' in the URL where you want the calling/called phone number inserted.
Once done, you will be able to right-click on a call and select CRM to display the caller/callee record in the CRM tab.
Using the CRM settings, you can also decide to display the CRM on call pick-up or automatically when there is a new call.
How can I handle call overflow?
You have several ways to handle situations where there are too many incoming calls.
- You can limit the number of concurrent incoming calls. Extra calls will be rejected to voicemail or forwarded to another phone number.
- You can also set a delay after unanswered incoming ringing calls will be rejected to voicemail or forwarded to another phone number.
- You can also set a delay after unanswered incoming ringing calls will be automatically answered and put on hold.
- These parameters are available in: Settings > Incoming calls.
What is blind transfer queueing?
You can enable blind transfer queueing by checking: Settings > Incoming Calls > Queue blind transfer when the target is busy.
When enabled, if you blind transfer a call to a contact who is busy, the call will not be transferred but instead will be put on hold waiting for the contact to be available.
The call will display which contact it is waiting for to be available.
If you need to talk to the person waiting, you can double-click on it to pick it up, then put it back on hold waiting for the contact.
When the contact becomes available, the application will wait for a configured delay and automatically transfer the call to the contact.
This feature allows you to focus on processing incoming calls without having to monitor or wait for contacts to be available to make transfers.
How can I control calls using the headset?
If you are using the Chrome or Edge web browser and have a USB headset connected, the application will ask you to select it on start-up.
Once selected, the application will allow the headset to control calls.
You will be able to pick up a ringing call or hang up the active call by pressing the headset button.
If your USB headset supports it, you will also be able to place the active call on hold and pick up the next available call (usually by leaving the button pressed for 2 seconds).
Finally, if your USB headset supports it, the headset will ring when there is an incoming call
How can I control calls using the keyboard?
The shortcuts are configured to be used with the numeric keypad (with Num Lock set to OFF) or with the function keys.
Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End keys will let you move within calls.
Up/Down/Left/Right/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End will let you move within directory contacts.
Clear key (the 5 key) or F5 will let you switch between the incoming (or outgoing) calls and the directory.
Insert key or F6 will let you pick up or put on hold a call or call a contact.
Delete key or F7 will let you hang up a call.
Add key (the plus key) or F8 will offer you the most logical transfer, through a menu, depending on where you pressed it and how many calls are active.
You will be able to validate the offered transfer by pressing Enter or change it using Up/Down keys or cancel it using the Escape key.
You can press F3 to quickly move to the directory search field or F4 to move to the outgoing call bar.
You can press F9 to either pick up the first ringing call, pick up the first call on hold, or place the active call on hold.
You can press F10 to hang up the active call.
What is the format of the CSV file to import contacts?
The file must contain Comma (not semicolon) Separated Values.
The CSV file must contain a header describing the columns.
The supported column names are:
- "lastname" - The last name.
- "firstname" - The first name.
- "company" - The company.
- "office" - The office.
- "department" - The department.
- "title" - The title.
- "note" - A note.
- "phone" - The phone number.
- "mobile" - The mobile number.
- "home" - The home phone number.
- "voicemail" - The voicemail number.
- "email" - The email.
- "xmpp" - The XMPP address.
- "calendar" - The calendar information.
- "web" - The web link.
- "presence" - Whether presence is enabled or not (true/false or yes/no or 1/0).
- "alert" - The alerts (a:available, r:ringing, b:busy, d:dnd, n:online, f:offline, s:sound).
- "picturetype" - The picture type (jpg/png/gif).
- "picture" - The picture encoded in base64.
To see an example, you can export a directory to a CSV file by clicking on the directory icon and selecting: Directory > Export > Download.