How do I create a Smart List to Segment Contacts?
You must have access to the partner portal and the Partner Tools Portal. Please contact the partner team to request access. When logged in to the partner portal, you can immediately see if you have access, as you will see the Partner Tools Menu Icon.
Smart Lists
Smart Lists are tools for dynamically segmenting your contacts based on their attributes or actions. You can also share all contacts within a smart list with other users—as long as you have permission. Smart Lists are also used to receive notifications for any drip campaigns to which they are associated.
To create a Smart List, navigate to the My Database Tab in the Partner Tool and select Lists.
The List Editor Loads. Select Smart Lists and click the Create button to navigate to the Smart List Editor.
The Create Smart List Page loads. In the Smart List editor, under the Info tab, enter the Smart List's Name (and, if you wish, write a description and add search filter tags). (For Filters, start typing a filter name to choose an existing one or create a new one, then select it from the drop-down.) Click on the "Arrow" icon to move to Conditions.
Set Conditions under the Conditions tab. Conditions are based on Filters, which tell the system which contacts should be pulled into your Smart List.
Start by selecting a dropdown option under Create New Filter For Smart List, and then make a selection for each subsequent dropdown menu that appears. Once you have all the criteria for a given Filter, click the green Add button.
Repeat this for all filters you wish to create. Click the next > Icon to move to the sharing screen.

The Sharing Screen Loads. Click Share next to a User's name to share the contacts in the list with another User (Note: this will not recreate the list within that User's account, only share the contacts over). When finished, Click the next > icon to move to the Notifications & TODO screen.

The Notifications & TODO screen loads.
Under Notifications & ToDo, you can choose your notifications or set a ToDo. When selected, click the Finish button to save and return to the Smart List Gallery.